Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter 2008

I wish this wasn't so blurry, but it's the only one of all 4 of us!

The forecast called for cold rain. We lucked out, we just got the cold! Well, cold for TX anyway. And some how the stores only carry sleeveless dresses for Easter. Despite the chill in the air, the girls were still gorgeous in their dresses and had fun hunting eggs at church and then at Nana's. Each year we do a Blooming Cross. The cross starts out ugly and covered in chicken wire and by the end of the service it is covered in flowers that church members bring and place in the cross. It symbolizes how Christ can take something ugly, like death on a cross and use it for something beautiful, his Saving Grace! Happy Easter!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Letterboxing Spring Break

We have a new hobby we started last summer. (I'll post pics from that later) It's called letter boxing. It's a lot like Geo cashing, only you find stamps and you don't take anything. You follow clues to a "letterbox" which holds a stamp (which someone else made) and a journal. You stamp your stamp (which you've made) in their book and stamp their stamp in your journal. Lots of fun! Anyway, we went letter boxing over spring break in Waxahachie. There was a box at the abandoned Superconductor Super Collider. It was pretty spooky looking in those empty buildings. Then we "boxed" at a park in downtown Wax. It was a nice hike and pretty trail even though we only found 1 out of 4 there. (The others must have washed away with the recent rains.) We also enjoyed delicious BBQ from a little umm...shack which claimed to be the best BBQ in town. It was pretty good!

Tye Christopher

This is my super cute nephew, Tye. He loves his Auntie Lisa. He's 10 months old and crawling all over the place. He is such a good baby. I love him lots!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

"BUGZ" March 2008

All the "Bugz" were Goin' on a Picnic
Macey had a speaking part!
Poor Stink Bug, he wasn't invited.
Mom worked hard on those candy bars!
Macey had her First Grade program Thursday, March 13. All the kids wore cute bug costumes that were made by parents. This was the cutest program I've ever seen. I could be biased though!

Friday, March 14, 2008

2005 Vacation to Florida

Our family went to Florida to visit Jeff and Rebekah Pittman in August of 2005. We had so much fun at the beach! One day we will go back and visit them again.